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Kid-i-cal Mass

  • Two Bikes 118 South Central Street Knoxville, TN, 37902 United States (map)

Ride Summary: A bike party for the groms! A showcase of bicycle-powered family haulers! Splash pads! Ice cream! KID-I-CALL MASS has it all!

Bring out your cargo bikes, tag-a-longs and trailers for a relaxing spin down to the World's Fair Park splash pad to cool off before heading back to Market Square for ice cream.

This is a short route on low traffic roads with a few hills, and any age child is welcome, but any child not on their parent's bike must be comfortable riding on public streets.

Challenge Level: Party Pace

Distance/Elevation: 4.2 mi/286 ft

Average Pace: 8-10 mph

Link to Route:

Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order and can safely portage your child.

Rider Expectations: 

  • Any child not on their parent's bike must be comfortable riding on public streets.

  • We’ll be making a stop at the World’s Fair splash pad, so bring a towel and/or a change of clothes.

  • Sometimes the rides will NOT end where they begin. Plan ahead.

  • One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.

  • These rides are always no-drop and very chill, but be prepared to ride 5-8 (sometimes hilly) miles.

  • Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

June 27

Bike Party: Quarry Edition

August 29

Bike Party: Tanh’s Shaved Ice Edition