Ride Summary: A bike party for the groms! A showcase of bicycle-powered family haulers! Splash pads! Ice cream! KID-I-CALL MASS has it all!
Bring out your cargo bikes, tag-a-longs and trailers for a relaxing spin down to the World's Fair Park splash pad to cool off before heading back to Market Square for ice cream.
This is a short route on low traffic roads with a few hills, and any age child is welcome, but any child not on their parent's bike must be comfortable riding on public streets.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 4.2 mi/286 ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45488636
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order and can safely portage your child.
Rider Expectations:
Any child not on their parent's bike must be comfortable riding on public streets.
We’ll be making a stop at the World’s Fair splash pad, so bring a towel and/or a change of clothes.
Sometimes the rides will NOT end where they begin. Plan ahead.
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
These rides are always no-drop and very chill, but be prepared to ride 5-8 (sometimes hilly) miles.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required