Ride and Event Calendar
Come ride bikes with us.
How to Use This Calendar
Unless otherwise noted, all rides leave from Two Bikes, 118 S. Central St. Knoxville, TN 37902.
Family Friendly A ride at a nearly-walking pace that is between 1 to 4 miles.
Party Pace A ride that is 4 to 8 miles at a conversational pace.
Serious Amateur A ride from 8 to 25 miles that may include multi-surface trails. This ride will be faster than a conversational pace which on pavement will be between 13 to 15 miles per hour. This is a no-drop ride.
Casual Cyclist 10-18 mile rides average between 10 to 13 miles per hour. These rides may have extended climbs and significant elevation, but people will regroup on the top of any longer climb. Elevation will be less than 70 ft/mi on average.
Black Belt What some would call an “A-group” ride. This is either an advanced mountain bike ride or a 17 to 19-mile-per-hour road ride. This ride will be a drop ride.
Please bring a lock, water bottle, small tool kit, spare tube, front and rear lights, and a helmet to any ride hosted through Two Bikes.
Helmets are required on any Two Bikes ride.
This ride is welcome to all ages, races, ethnicities, genders, and sexual expressions. Come ride bikes y’all!

Bike Party (formally known as Critical Mass)
Ride Summary: The classics never go out of style, they just get better.
We’ve been kicking the idea around the shop for a bit now and we figured this year is the year: we’re changing the name of our Critical Mass rides to something that does more justice to the spirit of the ride (and tbh to the spirit of Critical Mass).
From now on our last-Friday-of-the-month, all-bikes-welcome, just-for fun rides will be known as BIKE PARTY!
To celebrate this landmark shift in the fabric of the Knoxville cycling community, we’re taking a tour of the North Knox, Oakwood and Lincoln Park neighborhoods. We’ll climb up to the sweetest little pocket park, Scott-Roberts Park, for a break before ending at Ebony & Ivory Brewery (2300 N. Central St.).
Ebony & Ivory will be offering $1-off your first beverage, and Friends BBQ will be on hand to sling food. It’s gonna be a good time!
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 6.3 mi/356 ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49508310
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.
Rider Expectations:
Sometimes the rides will NOT end where they begin. Plan ahead.
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
These rides are always no-drop and very chill, but be prepared to ride 5-8 (sometimes hilly) miles.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

Biggest Got-Dang Garage Sale Ever
It’s time to do some serious spring cleaning here at the shop. We’re drowning is all sorts of bike detritus, odds n ends like used wheels, cranks, frames, as-is bicycles…you name it. Have you ever climbed over a mountain of old bikes? We’re literally risking our lives and we need the space.
It’s also Two Bikes’ birthday weekend (we’re turning 4, thanks for asking) so we figured we’d go full bore and put together the BIGGEST GOT-DANG GARAGE SALE EVER!!!
Not only will there be buckets and buckets of used parts at silly low, get-em-out-of-here prices, but ALL BIKES are 25% off, and parts and accessories are 20% off. To top it off we’ll be plying you into our doors with free foods and drinks, and other fun stuff to do. ALL DAY LONG!
This isn’t just a sale…it’s an EVENT. That’s why I put it on the Events Calendar.

Happy Birthday Two Bikes! Alley Cat
Ride Summary: If you’re not too tired from scoring killer deals at our Garage Sale the day before then come out and celebrate Two Bikes’ fourth year on this earth! We’ll kick off the day with a birthday-themed alley cat race and end with a cookout.
Registration for the alley cat will open at 1:30pm and the race will begin at 2pm. Individual riders or teams will receive a manifest of checkpoints around the city. Some stops may include tasks or challenges, so be prepared. The first one to finish with all the checkpoints wins bragging rights…and maybe a trophy but don’t count on it.
The race will end at 4:30pm and the after party will begin. Expect post-ride hot dogs, burgers, beverages and more! Two Bikes loves you.
Start Time/Location: 2:00pm @ Two Bikes (118 S. Central St.)
End Time/Location: Alley Cat ends at 4:30pm @ Location TBA
Challenge Level: Ride your own pace, but you gotta be fast to win.
Distance/Elevation: Every route will be different, but expect to ride 18-25 miles.
Route: Manifest provided at registration
Appropriate Bike: Any bike that you feel comfortable riding fast and on city streets. Having a way to carry stuff is gonna be pretty crucial.
Rider Expectations:
The alley cat is an unsupported race on public roads. Be comfortable riding with cars and respect the rules of the road.
Locks recommended. Tool kits encouraged. Helmets required
Special Notes: Entry into the alley cat is free. If you’re not interested in racing but still want to get out and stretch your legs, we’ll be leading a super-casual 10-15 mile group ride to the after party location. Not interested in riding at all and just wanna party? No problem! We’ll see you at 2pm at (Location TBD).

Bike Party: Outlandish Edition
Ride Summary: Have you heard about the Outlandish Festival at Ijams??? It’s a celebration of all things outdoors and it’s kicking off this Friday with a film festival. So guess what we’re gonna do…lead a ride out there, duh.
Yes, this Bike Party is a little different. It technically isn’t on the last Friday of the month, but it’s at the end of the last week of the month, which is close enough.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 5.8 mi/312 ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49508447
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.
Rider Expectations:
Sometimes the rides will NOT end where they begin. Plan ahead.
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
These rides are always no-drop and very chill, but be prepared to ride 5-8 (sometimes hilly) miles.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

The Gambler 2: Playing for Keeps Part II
Ride Summary: The Gambler is back on the game! Double down and let it ride with lucky dogs, Two Bikes and Tennessee Valley Bikes, for another high rollin’ poker run. The action will be hot and the chips may or may not be down…but one thing is for sure, only one player will hit jackpot!
This is a 21+ ride.
$5 buy-in, five checkpoints, five card-draw, best hand takes the pot. Need more info? Cue the RULES, Doc.
Entry is $5. All money goes to the rider with the best hand
At registration riders will receive a manifest with five checkpoints.
Riders will receive one card at each of the five checkpoints
The rider with the best hand wins
At some checkpoints riders will be able to “discard” or exchange cards after completing certain, unspecified challenges.
This is not a race. Fastest time does NOT win.
Rider meet-up/orientation at 4:45pm at Urban Bar. Ride starts at 5:30pm.
All checkpoints will be abandoned at 7:45pm. Race ends at 8:30pm.
In the event of a tie, Cee-Lo will determine the winner
And don’t forget the Joker
Challenge Level: Serious Amateur
Distance/Elevation: Your mileage may vary, but expect to ride ~20miles
Average Pace: Again, that’s up to you
Appropriate Bike: Some of checkpoints will be located along MTB trails, so bring a bike that behaves well both on and off road (gravel, hardtail, chubby road)
Rider Expectations:
Be sure to hydrate and make adult decisions.
This is technically a mixed-surfaced ride. Be prepared to ride your bike on-road AND off-road (gravel).
Locks recommended. Lights HEAVILY encouraged. Helmets required

Bike Party: Doing it for Kicks
Ride Summary: Hustle down to Two Bikes and join us in a relaxed-paced Westward ride via our city’s lovely greenway system. The ride will pass through Worlds Fair Park, continue onto Second Creek Greenway, then Neyland Greenway, and finally Third Creek Greenway.
Tyson McGhee Park is our destination and resting point, but more importantly it will be the site of a friendly soccer match that will pit cyclist against cyclist, brother against brother in a battle of foot and leg. Participation is optional, sportsmanship and safety will be enforced, and no matter the outcome of the game everyone should return back home as friends.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 8miles / 242ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49519471
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.
Rider Expectations:
Sometimes the rides will NOT end where they begin. Plan ahead.
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
These rides are always no-drop and very chill, but be prepared to ride 5-8 (sometimes hilly) miles.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

Two Bikes Swift Summer Solstice Campout
Ride Summary: I’m writing this is January, it’s in the teens outside. A week or so ago we had that snow. That was nice but the cold sucks and it gets dark way too early. It’s unnatural; we deserve eternal summer. For now the Longest Day of the Year will have to do.
If you’ve been to one of our Solstice Campouts then you know the drill. If not, here’s the skinny: we’re loading up our bikes and lollygagging over to our friends at Low Meadow Farms for a night under the stars.
If you’re new to bikecamping/touring/packing/whatever you want to call it, then this is a great way to dip your toes into the water. Not sure what to bring? Check out this list.
Stay tuned for more info!
This is a 21+ ride.
Challenge Level: Serious Amateur in Party Pace garb.
Distance/Elevation: 8.4mi/583 ft — distance is one-way
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41807393
Appropriate Bike: Any bike that can carry your camping supplies: tent, sleeping bag, extra food, water, etc.
Rider Expectations:
Temperatures may vary so bring layers.
The ride leaves at 4:00pm.
The route can be quite challenging and punchy. Be prepared to tackle some decent hills on a loaded bike.
We’ll supply drinks and food but bring extra of that stuff if you want. Riders are responsible for providing their own shelter.
This is a 21+ ride
Tool kits encouraged. Helmets required.

Bike Party: Quarry Edition
Ride Summary: Let’s welcome the lazy days of summer with a good old fashion quarry ride. We’ll load up with cold drinks and snacks and take a short ride over to Ft Dickerson for a refreshing float. Afterwards, those of us with the energy will roll over to Printshop (1532 Island Home Ave.).
Don’t forget to bring a bathing suit, a towel and maybe a change of clothing.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 5.7 mi/330 ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49510175
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order. The last bit towards the quarry is a gravel road, so something with bigger tires would be convenient.
Rider Expectations:
Sometimes the rides will NOT end where they begin. Plan ahead.
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
These rides are always no-drop and very chill, but be prepared to ride 5-8 (sometimes hilly) miles.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

Kid-i-cal Mass
Ride Summary: A bike party for the groms! A showcase of bicycle-powered family haulers! Splash pads! Ice cream! KID-I-CALL MASS has it all!
Bring out your cargo bikes, tag-a-longs and trailers for a relaxing spin down to the World's Fair Park splash pad to cool off before heading back to Market Square for ice cream.
This is a short route on low traffic roads with a few hills, and any age child is welcome, but any child not on their parent's bike must be comfortable riding on public streets.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 4.2 mi/286 ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45488636
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order and can safely portage your child.
Rider Expectations:
Any child not on their parent's bike must be comfortable riding on public streets.
We’ll be making a stop at the World’s Fair splash pad, so bring a towel and/or a change of clothes.
Sometimes the rides will NOT end where they begin. Plan ahead.
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
These rides are always no-drop and very chill, but be prepared to ride 5-8 (sometimes hilly) miles.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

Bike Party: Tanh’s Shaved Ice Edition
Ride Summary: Tanh’s taking the handlebars this month and leading an icy cool ride down the Third Creek Greenway to our chill pals at Pelican SnoBalls — always a classic.
Last year I (Matt) did this ride on a recumbent trike and it was an experience. Turns out the best place to ride your recumbent to is a place that sells shaved ices. If you’re unable to enjoy the stable platform and confident ride of a recumbent trike, I guarantee that you’re still gonna have a great time. You can also rent the recumbent trike for the evening.
Don’t forget to bring lights!
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 14mi/600ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: Ride with GPS
Appropriate Bike: All bikes in fine working order are welcome! Just don’t forget to bring lights.
Rider Expectations:
This ride is a longer than our normal Bike Parties. Plan accordingly.
Most of the ride will be on greenways which means we’ll encounter walkers, runners, etc. Please be respectful of other greenway users.
You know what they say…”Sno money, sno balls.” Bring money for treats.
Chances are the sun will be setting on our way back into town. Bring those dang lights!
Locks recommended. Tool kits encouraged. Helmets required

Bike Party: Mt. Dew, Dumpsters, and Dives
Ride Summary: You may not know it but Knoxville is responsible for some pretty important contributions to humanity. It’s true. Life as we know it wouldn’t be the same without our humble little ‘burg. For starters Rachmaninoff played his last concert here (the arts) and Oak Ridge is right down the street (the sciences). We’re also a test-bed city for fast food and casual dining chains (gastronomy). So you see, what happens in Knoxville reverberates across the globe.
Step (or ride) back in time with us as we learn about the hometown inventions that shaped the modern world and explore the legendary locations where genius flourished. For September’s Bike Party we’ll be honoring Knoxville’s most noble contributions to the human race: Mt. Dew and dumpsters.
We’ll end the night at the historic dive bar* (and I mean ‘dive bar’ in the most endearing way), The Corner Lounge…as featured in Cormac McCarthy’s ‘Suttree’.
Every ride participant will get a Charm’s Blow Pop, which was also invented in Knoxville.
This ride is 21+ up
* Dive bars are NOT a Knoxville invention. We just needed a third thing to give the ride a snappy, Fieri-esque title.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: TBA
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: TBA
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.
Rider Expectations:
Sometimes the rides will NOT end where they begin. Plan ahead.
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
These rides are always no-drop and very chill, but be prepared to ride 5-8 (sometimes hilly) miles.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

Continuing Education Rides: Beardsley Farms
Ride Summary: For our next installment of Two Bikes’ Continuing Education Rides Series we’ll be visiting our friends at CAC Beardsley Community Farm, a community farm that provides our neighbors with fresh produce, education about growing and cooking fresh foods, and land & resources for gardening.
Sarah Heizenroth, Education Manager for CAC Beardsley Community Farm, will lead a ride and tour of the farm, giving us an inside look at the ins-and-outs of a community farm and how Beardsley works to promote food security in Knoxville.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: TBA
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: TBA
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.
Rider Expectations:
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
Locks recommended. Lights HEAVILY encouraged. Helmets required

Smoky Mountain Wheelman x Two Bikes Meet n’ Greet
Join the Smoky Mountain Wheelman and Two Bikes for a special after-hours meet n’ greet. Learn about the Smoky Mountain Wheelman and their events. Also Two Bikes Operations Director, Matthew Zingg, will also give a brief presentation about the work we do here at Two Bikes and how you can get involved.
The Smoky Mountain Wheelman are generously providing food. It’s sure to be a great time!
Social hour starts at 6:00pm and the presentation is at 7:00pm with a brief Q&A to follow.

Coffee Outside at Candoro Marble ft. Treetop Coffee Shop
Ride Summary: Finally FINALLY the time has come. The bumblebees are bumbling, there are baby geese in the Fellini Kroger parking lot and the air stinks of bradford pears. Yes, Spring is finally here. And that means the beginning of our 2025 ride calendar. We’re kicking off the year with our ever-popular, venerable Coffee Outside.
Meet at the shop at 9:00, grab a quick espresso at Java, then it’s wheels down at 9:30am. We’ll make our way over to the Candoro Marble building in Vestal where Treetop Coffee will be waiting with a special Cold Brew Cola for purchase. Afterwards we’ll ride to Southside Garage for brunch and more coffee provided by Mia Piccola.
And it wouldn’t be a season opener without swag. The first 21 riders get a limited edition hand-printed Two Bikes tote. Iffin’ you don’t make it in time to snag a tote, don’t worry: we’ll have a screen-printing station set up at Southside Garage, so bring a shirt or whatever and DIY your own Two Bikes swag.
A portion of this route involves a smattering of gravel and light single track. Come prepared.
Start Time/Location: 9:30am @ Two Bikes (118 S. Central St.)
End Time/Location: ~ 11:30pm @ Southside Garage (1014 Sevier Ave.)
Challenge Level: Somewhere between Party Pace and Serious Amateur
Distance/Elevation: 6.7 mi/344 ft
Average Pace: 10-13mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/49629250
Appropriate Bike: Most any bike will do, but there will be some mild off-roading so be comfortable riding your bike on gravel and light single track. What you DON’T need is something fast. This’ll be a slow ride so dust off that single-speed klunker if you want.
Rider Expectations:
Be comfortable sharing the road with cars.
This is a mixed-surfaced ride. Be prepared to ride your bike on-road AND off-road (but only for a bit).
Locks recommended. Tool kits encouraged. Helmets required

Workshop: How to Fix a Flat
Fixing a flat is one of those essential skills that every cyclist should have tucked away in their DIY rolodex.
By far our most popular workshop, this class will walk you through the steps, show you all the hacks and equip you with the right tools you’ll need to confidently repair (almost) any flat tire.
This class will cover:
How to remove and install a tire and tube
The tools required to fix a flat tire
How to identify what caused your flat
The industry secrets learned from fixing thousands of flats
All workshops are donation-based and class sizes are limited. Tools and materials are provided but you are required to bring your own bike to work on.

Tour de Lights Pre-Party and Cookie Swap
Come ready your bikes for Tour de Lights with us! Starting at 3:30 we’ll be hosting a cookie swap and decoration party. There will be refreshments and cookies, of course.
At 5:00 we’ll ride as a group to the start of Tour de Lights at Marie Costa Plaza.

Cranksgiving VI
Knoxville’s Cranksgiving is turning six!
If it was 3X older, Cranksgiving would be graduating high school and striking out into the world. Who knows what the future holds for Cranksgiving?
We’re so proud of you, Cranksgiving!
For more information and to pre-register (PLEASE PRE-REGISTER) go HERE!

A Bluff Ride and a Full Moon Walk into a Bar
Ride Summary: Last Bluff Ride of the year and the moon simulation will be out in full force. As usual we’ll ride up to the bluff, hang out and howl at the water treatment plant. Then we’ll bomb back into town for a nightcap at Public House.
This’ll be a 21+ ride.
If you’ve never been up to the Bluffs…it’s one of the tougher climbs in town and the last bit is gravel, so be prepared to put some work in.
Challenge Level: Party Pace but with a big sustain-ish climb.
Distance/Elevation: 6.8mi/578ft
Average Pace: 8.5-11.5 mph
Link to Route: Ride with GPS
Appropriate Bike: Any bike that you feel comfortable mashing up a big hill and that can tackle a smidge of gravgnar.
Rider Expectations:
The climb up to the bluffs is tough…bluff tough. Be prepared to climb a hill.
It could be chilly. Dress in warm layers.
This is technically a mixed-surfaced ride. Be prepared to ride your bike on-road AND off-road (gravel).
Locks recommended. Lights HEAVILY encouraged. Helmets required

Coffee Outside
Ride Summary: This one is for the early birds and coffee dorks. On the surface, Coffee Outside is an exhibition of all the latest technological doo-dads and implements used to brew coffee out of doors. But deep down inside it’s just a short ride with friends for ** ta-dum ** coffee outside.
Coffee. Outside.
For the final Coffee Outside of the year, we’re going back to our roots. Talking ‘bout camp stoves, hand held grinders and aeropresses. If you’re able to bring your own coffee set-up, please do. If not, we’ll have plenty of water and grounds, just make sure to bring a mug.
This Coffee Outside will be a shorter route than the previous two; we’ll be taking the greenway east to Ned McWherter Park (1648 Riverside Dr)
Challenge Level: Family Friendly
Distance/Elevation: 2.4 mi/76 ft
Average Pace: S L O W
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48976595
Appropriate Bikes: All bikes welcome!
Special Notes: Meet at the shop, wheels down at 9am. Typically this is a BYOCoffee thing, but sometimes there might be communal brew. Come prepared but at the very least bring a mug.

Casket Cat
Long ago, when the elder gods roamed the shores of Bar Marley, the locals gathered around the Sun monument to partake in a pre-Hallow’s Eve ritual: The Casket Cat. The bravest cyclists from every corner of Knoxville raced across the city chasing spirits, exploring haunted groves and completing fearsome challenges. All for the glory of being the first to make it back alive!
This year we’re calling on the Ancient Ones to help us resurrect the old ways, and we invite you to join us beneath the Sun Sphere to celebrate the dark tradition.
The Casket Cat is an alley cat race. At the start of the race, riders will receive a ‘manifest’ with a list of checkpoints. At each checkpoint you’ll be asked to complete some sort of challenge (don’t worry, it won’t be anything crazy). The first rider to make it back having visited every checkpoint is the winner.
Ride as a team or ride solo.
Costumers encouraged!
Expect cheap thrills and even cheaper prizes
Location/Start Time: World’s Fair Amphitheater. 1PM Registration. 2PM Race.
End Location: Marie’s Old Town Tavern (904 N Central St)
Challenge Level: Ride your own pace, but you gotta be fast to win.
Distance/Elevation: Every route will be different, but expect to ride 15-20 miles.
Route: Manifest provided at registration
Appropriate Bike: Any bike that you feel comfortable riding fast and on city streets.
Rider Expectations:
The alley cat is an unsupported race on public roads. Be comfortable riding with cars and respect the rules of the road.
The ride STARTS at the World’s Fair Amphitheater and ENDS at Marie’s Tavern. Plan accordingly.
Locks recommended. Tool kits encouraged. Helmets required

Last Call Ride X Merchants of Beer
Ride Summary: Come say farewell to one of Two Bikes’ neighbors this Saturday with a bittersweet pint ride. We will meet for a first round at MOB, but leave those tabs open because after a relaxing roll through North Knoxville we will return to raise a glass once more.
Going on 8 years now, Merchants has been a shining emerald of green trees and astroturf in the Old City. We have enjoyed its scruffy, diner-y, dog-friendly, food trucky charm and will be sad to see them go. Here’s to all the good times, MOB!
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 4.7mi/+293ft elevation
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: Tour of North Knox via Central · Ride with GPS
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.
Rider Expectations:
Helmets, locks, and lights required

Halloween Critical Mass
Ride Summary: A Halloween tradition! Dress up in your spookiest costumes and let’s parade around town visiting some legendary cemeteries. We’ll make a stop at Odd Fellow’s cemetery for a bevvie break and then roll over to Old Gray for a few laps before ending at Crafty Brewery (6 Emory Pl.).
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 6.2mi/385ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48849022
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.
Rider Expectations:
Don’t forget to dress up!
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required
Coffee Outside w/ Five and Hoek Redux
Ride Summary: Earlier this year we teamed up with Five and Hoek to provide free coffee for y’all early birds. Unfortunately the weather had other ideas. So we’re gonna try this thing one more time.
Meet up at the shop at 9AM and we’ll take a classic greenway ride to the new hottest coffee outside spot: Tyson Park!
Five and Hoek will be providing a carafe of brew so make sure to bring a mug. If you’re a traditionalist and still want to make your own coffee, F&H will have you covered with some fresh ground beans to try out.
Challenge Level: Family Friendly
Distance/Elevation: 4 mi/120 ft
Average Pace: S L O W
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45375663
Appropriate Bikes: All bikes welcome!
Special Notes: Meet at the shop, wheels down at 9am. Typically this is a BYOCoffee thing, but sometimes there might be communal brew. Come prepared but at the very least bring a mug.

Bike Prom!
We want to say a hearty ‘Yo! Thanks!’ to our Two Bikes members so we’re throwing a party — specifically a prom-themed party!
Join us Saturday night at the shop for a VIP-members-only celebration of what makes Two Bikes great…YOU! There’ll be music, streamers, balloons and a photo booth pergola thing (we’ll figure something out). Maybe Blender Bike will make an appearance IDK. Plus we’re providing beverages, light snacks and of course spiked punch. By the way, this’ll be a 21+ event.
This event is for Two Bikes members only. Not a member, no worries. You can sign up here!
Each Two Bikes members can bring a +1
PLEASE RSVP HERE so we know how many folks to expect.
Dress up if you want!

Critical Mass - AMBC Friday Night Lights Edition
Ride Summary: For this month’s Critical Mass we’re calling an audible and heading over to Baker Creek for AMBC Social Ride’s Friday Night Lights, a fun varsity-themed night ride. AMBC will be leading a number of night time MTB rides (don’t forget to sign up here) and Luke from Fountain City Pedaler will be there with some Outbound Lights demos! Afterwards expect some good old fashion tailgatin’ n grillin’ and other fun shenanigans.
A few cliff notes about this ride:
The ‘big game’ starts at 7 so we’ll be leaving at 6:00pm SHARP!
This ride will START at the shop and END at Baker Creek, so plan ahead.
21+ up ride.
School spirit encouraged! Come decked out in your best varsity wear!
If you want to partake in the AMBC-led rides sign up HERE.
We will be crossing the Henley St. bridge :(
Challenge Level: Party Pace but expect a few punchy hills.
Distance/Elevation: 4.6mi/237ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48447518
Appropriate Bike: Any bike you want will get you there but if you wanna hit up some of the AMBC trail rides bring a mountain bike or something.
Rider Expectations:
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required
This is a 21+ ride
This ride will END at Baker Creek. Plan accordingly.

Friday the 13th Bluff Ride
Ride Summary: The best way to spend any Friday the 13th is to get hokey flash tattoos for dirt cheap. The second best way is to ride your bike up to the bluffs and go “shh-shh-shh” at the water treatment plant. Since it’s hard out there nowadays for the $13 tattoo, we’ll be doing the latter. Afterwards…blah blah blah…nightcaps at Public House.
This’ll be a 21+ ride.
If you’ve never been up to the Bluffs…it’s one of the tougher climbs in town and the last bit is gravel, so be prepared to put some work in.
Challenge Level: Party Pace but with a big sustain-ish climb.
Distance/Elevation: 8.3mi/695ft
Average Pace: 8.5-11.5 mph
Link to Route: Ride with GPS
Appropriate Bike: Any bike that you feel comfortable mashing up a big hill and that can tackle a smidge of gravgnar.
Rider Expectations:
Yes, we will be going over the Henley St. bridge.
The climb up to the bluffs is tough…bluff tough. Be prepared to climb a hill.
It could be chilly. Dress in warm layers.
This is technically a mixed-surfaced ride. Be prepared to ride your bike on-road AND off-road (gravel).
Locks recommended. Lights HEAVILY encouraged. Helmets required

Coffee Outside
Ride Summary: Friends, first we lost the JFG sign then the Gay St. bridge. Now even getting to Suttree Landing is tricky and the last thing I need before I’ve had my morning cup is “tricky.” But with a little help from some local roasters we’ll brewing up a fresh pot of Coffee Outside each month.
This month we’re teaming with Mia Piccola and headed down to Tyson Park…which coincidentally was the spot for our first Coffee Outside. Funny that. This is’ll be a nice lil Saturday morning greenway ride, longer than our normal coffee outside routine but very chill, very not-hilly.
No worries on bringing your own coffee for this one. Mia Piccola will be providing free drip, along with cappuccino and espresso for purchase.
Challenge Level: Family Friendly
Distance/Elevation: 4 mi/120 ft
Average Pace: S L O W
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45375663
Appropriate Bikes: All bikes welcome!
Special Notes: Meet at the shop, wheels down at 9am. Typically this is a BYOCoffee thing, but sometimes there might be communal brew. THIS TIME THERE IS COMMUNAL BREW. Come prepared but at the very least bring a mug.

Critical Mass
Ride Summary: I canNOT believe another summer is coming to an end. O well I guess there’s always next year, right? Either way, let’s sweat it out and go ride bikes!
We’ll flit up through Happy Holler and Old North, doopy-doo down into First Creek, then wave and ring bells through Parkridge all the way to Baker Boy/Orange Hat where we’ll send summer off with cold beverages and comically large pizzas.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 8.3mi/454ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48186858
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.
Rider Expectations:
Around 5 miles, we’ll stop at Orange Hat/Baker Boy. Folks can stay longer but at some point we’ll organize a return group for those wanting to go back to the shop.
This route will be kinda hilly. We’ll take it chill but be prepared to climb a bit.
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

TB x TVB The Gambler Poker Run
Ride Summary: The thrill of the unknown. The luck of the draw. Experience…The Gambler. Join your favorite huckleberries, Two Bikes and Tennessee Valley Bikes, for a classic poker run ride. Will you hold them? Or will you fold them?
This is a 21+ ride.
$5 buy-in, five checkpoints, five card-draw, best hand takes the pot. Need more info? Cue the RULES, Doc.
Entry is $5. All money goes to the rider with the best hand
At registration riders will receive a manifest with five checkpoints.
Riders will receive one card at each of the five checkpoints
The rider with the best hand wins
At some checkpoints riders will be able to “discard” or exchange cards after completing certain, unspecified challenges.
This is not a race. Fastest time does NOT win.
Rider meet-up/orientation at 4:45pm at Urban Bar. Ride starts at 5:30pm.
All checkpoints will be abandoned at 7:45pm. Race ends at 8:30pm.
In the event of a tie, Cee-Lo will determine the winner
And don’t forget the Joker
Challenge Level: Serious Amateur
Distance/Elevation: Your mileage may vary, but expect to ride ~20miles
Average Pace: Again, that’s up to you
Appropriate Bike: Some of checkpoints will be located along MTB trails, so bring a bike that behaves well both on and off road (gravel, hardtail, chubby road)
Rider Expectations:
Be sure to hydrate and make adult decisions.
This is technically a mixed-surfaced ride. Be prepared to ride your bike on-road AND off-road (gravel).
Locks recommended. Lights HEAVILY encouraged. Helmets required
Pedal to the Polls Ride
Ride Summary: Exercise your legs, exercise your civic duty. The 27th is the final day for early voting and we’re leading a ride to the polls. We’ll meet bright n shiny in the Baker Creek parking lot then enjoy a relaxing cruise over to the City County building. Afterwards, lets go grab a cup of coffee and try not to talk about politics.
Not registered to vote? What’s up with that? Register here.
Start: Baker Creek Preserve parking lot (3700 Lancaster Dr, Knoxville, TN 37920)
End: City County Building (430 Main St SW, Knoxville, TN 37902)
Challenge Level: Family Friendly
Distance/Elevation: 3.6mi/165ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47600723
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order and can tackle a few hills here or there
Rider Expectations:
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
Bring ID and any other what-nots you’ll need to vote.
This ride will END at the City County building. If you parked at Baker Creek please plan on making your way back without a group. That being said, I’m sure a return group will form organically. But you know…come prepared.
Locks HIGHLY recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

Kid-i-cal Mass
Ride Summary: Calling all cargo bikes, tag-a-longs and trailers, this one is for the kiddos! Bring out your two-wheeled family haulers for a relaxing spin down to the World's Fair Park splash pad to cool off before heading back to Market Square for ice cream.
This is a short route on low traffic roads with a few hills, and any age child is welcome, but any child not on their parent's bike must be comfortable riding on public streets.
Challenge Level: Family Friendly
Distance/Elevation: 4.2mi/277ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45488636
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order and can safely portage your child.
Rider Expectations:
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
Any child not on their parent's bike must be comfortable riding on public streets.
We’ll be making a stop at the World’s Fair splash pad, so bring a towel and/or a change of clothes.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

It's Friday night and I feel alright / The party is here on the Bluff Ride
Ride Summary: Let’s ride bikes up to the Bluffs. We can drink some beverages and look at the water treatment plant. Then we’ll bomb back into town for a nightcap at Public House.
This’ll be a 21+ ride.
If you’ve never been up to the Bluffs…it’s one of the tougher climbs in town and the last bit is gravel, so be prepared to put some work in.
ALSO the Gay St. bridge is outtathequestion so be comfortable crossing the Henley St. bridge.
Challenge Level: Party Pace but with a big sustain-ish climb.
Distance/Elevation: 6.8mi/578ft
Average Pace: 8.5-11.5 mph
Link to Route: Ride with GPS
Appropriate Bike: Any bike that you feel comfortable mashing up a big hill and that can tackle a smidge of gravgnar.
Rider Expectations:
The climb up to the bluffs is tough…bluff tough. Be prepared to climb a hill.
BYO-double-B (Bring Your Own Beverage to the Bluff)
This is technically a mixed-surfaced ride. Be prepared to ride your bike on-road AND off-road (gravel).
Locks recommended. Lights HEAVILY encouraged. Helmets required

Critical Mass
Ride Summary: A tried and true Tour de Downtown. We’ll mosey down to the river and ride through Volunteer Landing Park, then swing by the scenic UT Boathouse (Go Lady Vols!), followed by a ride through the shady woods into Worlds Fair Park and get back to the shop via Market Square. A lil road, a lil greenway, a lot of fun.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 4.1 miles / 231 feet
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41855680
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.
Rider Expectations:
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

Two Bikes x AMBC: Swift Summer Solstice Campout
Ride Summary: Don’t tell the other events I said this…but the Solstice Campout is my (Matt) favorite ride of the year. Summer is at the top of the seasons chain. Full. Stop. And just thinking about those 9pm sunsets gets my farmer’s tan a-glowin’.
If you’ve been to one of our Solstice Campouts then you know the drill. If not, here’s the skinny: we’re loading up our bikes and lollygagging over to our friends at Low Meadow Farms for a night under the stars.
This year we’re teaming up with AMBC. And with a little help from our friends we’re gonna turn this Solstice up to 11. As usual, our super-buds over at Albright Grove will bring the beer and Crafty Baker Creek will provide NA bevvies. And to really make the whole night go ‘sha-pow’ Appethai will be providing the food!
All this is free (with a suggested donation of $20-30) but Riders MUST register and spots are limited. All you need to bring is your camping gear and stoke. Eventbrite registration here.
If you’re new to bikecamping/touring/packing/whatever you want to call it, then this is a great way to dip your toes into the water. Not sure what to bring? Check out this list.
Also we’re gonna try again this year to lead an all-terrain route (~13 miles) for those looking for a little extra spice. This route will be offered in three different flavors (very chill, pretty chill and hyper chill). If you want to get rowdy, you’ll need to show up early. All-terrain rides leave at 3:00pm.
This is a 21+ ride.
Challenge Level: Serious Amateur in Party Pace garb. Black Belt for all-terrain rides.
Distance/Elevation: 8.4mi/583 ft, 13.3mi/1161ft (all-terrain) — both distances are one-way
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: Ride with GPS, Ride with GPS (all-terrain)
Appropriate Bike: Any bike that can carry your camping supplies: tent, sleeping bag, extra food, water, etc. If you’re riding the all-terrain route, obviously bring a mountain bike, gravel bike or an ATB.
Rider Expectations:
Temperatures may vary so bring layers.
The Classic Road group leaves at 4:00pm. All-terrain rides leave at 3:00pm.
Even the regular route can be quite challenging and punchy. Be prepared to tackle some decent hills on a loaded bike.
We’ll supply drinks and food but bring extra of that stuff if you want. Riders are responsible for providing their own shelter.
This is a 21+ ride
Tool kits encouraged. Helmets required.

Liam’s Father's Day Ride
Ride Summary: Two Bikes’ resident super-dad, Liam, is leading an easy Father’s Day ride for parents (not just dads!) and their kids. Load up the brood on the bike, grab some sunscreen, maybe even a frisbee, and we’ll head over to Island Home Park to hit the playground and watch small aircraft land! We’ll enjoy the great outdoors for a spell then we’ll “turn this darn car around” and roll over to Printshop Beer Co. to lift a glass for all the dads out there before heading back to the shop. Of course moms, grandparents and everyone else is invited as well.
Challenge Level: Family Friendly
Distance/Elevation: 6mi (round trip)/227ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: Ride with GPS
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it can safely portage your child
Rider Expectations:
If riding on their own, make sure your child is comfortable riding on public roads.
This ride avoids dangerous intersections and high-speed roads, but participants still need to be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

Tanh's Shaved Ice Ride
Ride Summary: Nothing says “Get over here, Summer!” like Tanh’s Tasty Shaved Ice ride. Enjoy a classic, social greenway ride out to Pelican SnoBalls for New Orleans-style shaved ice. Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Bring lights, mon cher.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 14mi/600ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: Ride with GPS
Appropriate Bike: All bikes in fine working order are welcome! Just don’t forget to bring lights.
Rider Expectations:
Most of the ride will be on greenways which means we’ll encounter walkers, runners, etc. Please be respectful of other greenway users.
You know what they say…”Sno money, sno balls.” Bring money for treats.
Chances are the sun will be setting on our way back into town. Bring those dang lights!
Locks recommended. Tool kits encouraged. Helmets required

Critical Mass
Ride Summary: This one’ll be a little different than other Critical Masses, but not like Crystal Pepsi different. For May we’ll be heading south with a stop at Island Home park before ending the ride with a visit to our friends over at Crafty Bastard’s Baker Creek location. What makes this ride different? Well, for starters, unlike most Critical Masses this one will NOT end at Two Bikes, so plan ahead. Other than that I hear the folks at Crafty might have surprises in store.
Start Time/Location: 6:00pm @ Two Bikes (118 South Central)
End Time/Location: ~7:17pm @ Crafty Bastards (Baker Creek Preserve)
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 6.9mi/495ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45475154
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order and can tackle a hill or two.
Rider Expectations:
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
Expect a more rolling terrain than usual.
Unlike most Critical Masses this ride will not return to the shop.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required

Cades Cove by Moonlight
Ride Summary: Wednesdays are car-free at Cades Cove and we’re gonna take advantage by hosting a chill moonlight ride! Meet at Cades Cove at 8:45pm with wheels down by 9:00pm. After a nice, leisurely roll around the park we’ll end with some bevvies — hot and cold — and grillables. Bring Lights.
Don’t forget to get your parking tag.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: 11mi/725ft
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: Ride with GPS
Appropriate Bike: Any bike is proper working order. There are some hills so gears would be nice. The route is paved but we may take a few short off-road side quests, so chubby tires are a plus.
Rider Expectations:
Riders are responsible for their own transportation to and from Cades Cove. We may be able to shuttle a few bikes in the shop van but don’t count on it.
We will be riding in the dark. BRING GOOD, BRIGHT LIGHTS!
Temperatures may vary so dress in layers.
We’ll bring some drinks/food for apres-ride enjoyment, but feel free to bring anything else you may want to grill or imbibe.
This is a night-time ride, so expect to get home late.
Tool kits encouraged. Helmets required

World’s Largest Buc-ee’s Ride
Ride Summary: It just so happens that the largest Buc-ee’s in the country is also the crown jewel of the historic Exit 407, and we are going to ride our bikes there.
Picture this: a scenic tour of rolling East Tennessee countryside culminating with a truly heroic arrival into the Parking Lot of the Gods, heralded by the glug-glug of 1000+ gas pumps. The journey will be transformative and we will look like epic weirdos.
Now close your eyes and imagine the crushing vivisection of humanity that is Buc-ee’s, how well it pairs with a fresh jalepeno kolache. Can you even fathom the wall of jerky? Have you ever seen a bathroom line move so fast?
This ride will separate the chopped brisket from the sliced brisket. Come prepared.
Challenge Level: Serious Amateur
Distance/Elevation: ~50mi round trip
Average Pace: 11-14 mph
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46645491
Appropriate Bike: A road bike, a gravel bike or even a nice country bike. Whatever you feel comfortable riding for a longish-day at a brisk-ish pace. Bonus points for the ability to portage beaver nuggets.
Rider Expectations:
Please be comfortable riding your bike on open roads for multiple hours on undulating terrain. This will be a reasonably challenging ride.
We’ll make stops along the way with an extended break at Buc-ee’s. Don’t forget to bring snacks and hydration!
Locks recommended. Tool kits encouraged. Helmets required.

Bees Knit x Two Bikes: Crafty Ride
Ride Summary: Our friends over at the lovely Bees Knit Yarn Shop in Parkridge are hosting a craft market just in time for Mother’s Day! And because we’re nerds and believe nothing compliments everything like a bike ride, we’re leading a “crafty” mini-tour. The BEST PART...everyone who comes on the ride will get a special treat from the Bees Knits!
The ride will start and end at the Bees Knit (1530 Washington Ave), from there we’ll mosey on over Scrappin’ in the City, then to Emory Place for a Crafty brew and some vintage shopping at French Fried Vintage. Then we’ll make a stop at Roy G. Biv before heading back to the Bees Knits.
Challenge Level: Family Friendly
Distance/Elevation: 2.6 mi/134 ft
Average Pace: S L O W
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46460449
Appropriate Bikes: All bikes welcome!

Coffee Outside: Five and Hoek Edition
Ride Summary: For this month’s Coffee Outside leave your Folgers at home! Our neighbors, Five and Hoek are providing fresh grounds and cold brew for your morning enjoyment.
We’ll meet up at Five and Hoek (200 W Magnolia Ave). Wheels down at 9am, and then we’ll roll over to Suttree’s Landing. Afterwards, if you’re not caffeinated enough stop back at Five and Hoek for a free shot of ‘spro!
Challenge Level: Family Friendly
Distance/Elevation: 2 mi/134 ft
Average Pace: S L O W
Link to Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45375663
Appropriate Bikes: All bikes welcome!
Special Notes: Typically this is a BYOCoffee thing…but not this time! At the very least, bring your own mug.