Ride Summary: You may not know it but Knoxville is responsible for some pretty important contributions to humanity. It’s true. Life as we know it wouldn’t be the same without our humble little ‘burg. For starters Rachmaninoff played his last concert here (the arts) and Oak Ridge is right down the street (the sciences). We’re also a test-bed city for fast food and casual dining chains (gastronomy). So you see, what happens in Knoxville reverberates across the globe.
Step (or ride) back in time with us as we learn about the hometown inventions that shaped the modern world and explore the legendary locations where genius flourished. For September’s Bike Party we’ll be honoring Knoxville’s most noble contributions to the human race: Mt. Dew and dumpsters.
We’ll end the night at the historic dive bar* (and I mean ‘dive bar’ in the most endearing way), The Corner Lounge…as featured in Cormac McCarthy’s ‘Suttree’.
Every ride participant will get a Charm’s Blow Pop, which was also invented in Knoxville.
This ride is 21+ up
* Dive bars are NOT a Knoxville invention. We just needed a third thing to give the ride a snappy, Fieri-esque title.
Challenge Level: Party Pace
Distance/Elevation: TBA
Average Pace: 8-10 mph
Link to Route: TBA
Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.
Rider Expectations:
Sometimes the rides will NOT end where they begin. Plan ahead.
One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.
These rides are always no-drop and very chill, but be prepared to ride 5-8 (sometimes hilly) miles.
Locks recommended. Lights encouraged. Helmets required