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Continuing Education Rides: Beardsley Farms

  • Two Bikes 118 South Central Street Knoxville, TN, 37902 United States (map)

Ride Summary: For our next installment of Two Bikes’ Continuing Education Rides Series we’ll be visiting our friends at CAC Beardsley Community Farm, a community farm that provides our neighbors with fresh produce, education about growing and cooking fresh foods, and land & resources for gardening.

Sarah Heizenroth, Education Manager for CAC Beardsley Community Farm, will lead a ride and tour of the farm, giving us an inside look at the ins-and-outs of a community farm and how Beardsley works to promote food security in Knoxville.

Challenge Level: Party Pace

Distance/Elevation: TBA

Average Pace: 8-10 mph

Link to Route: TBA

Appropriate Bike: Any bike’ll do as long as it’s in good working order.

Rider Expectations: 

  • One day the world will be one giant greenway but for now we gotta be comfortable with sharing the road with cars.

  • Locks recommended. Lights HEAVILY encouraged. Helmets required

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